July 20-26, 2024
Professor Mitchell, with graduate students Sayuri Sagisaka Mendez and Sarah Gigi, are travelling to Cape Town, South Africa to present their research at the 16th International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant. Extra bonus: alum Dr. David McLagan is being awarded the prestigious Emerging Research Award at this conference!
June 14, 2024
Professor Mitchell successfully renewed his NSERC Discovery grant for 5 years and received a Northern Research Supplement to support his work in Canada's North.
May 14, 2024
Wai Ying Lam successfully defends her PhD thesis, "Impacts of Forest Harvest and Beaver Dams on Hydrological Transport of Mercury in Boreal Headwater Streams." Sincere thanks to Dr. Eve-Lyn Hinckley from the University of Colorado for servings as Wai's external examiner. Wai is continuing with the group and with the Water Pathways Cluster at UTSC as a Postdoctoral Fellow.
January 23, 2024
Planck Huang successfully defends his PhD thesis, "Mercury Methylation and Methylmercury Demethylation in Boreal Soils and Sediment – Anthropogenic Impacts." Sincere thanks to Dr. Andrea Bravo from the Institut de Ciencies del Mar for servings as Planck's external examiner. Planck is continuing with the group as a Postdoctoral Fellow.
April 18, 2023
Professor Mitchell, along with colleagues Professors Frank Wania and David McLagan, awarded the Governor General's Innovation Award in recognition of their invention and wide adoption of the MerPAS passive mercury air sampler.
July 25, 2022
Several group members presenting excellent talks at the 15th International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant (online from Cape Town, South Africa).
July 14, 2022
Kateline To has been awarded a Centre for Environmental Research in the Anthropocene fellowship to support her Fourth-year Advanced Undergraduate Scholarly Project.
Major group success!!! Three former PhD students or postdocs have just started tenure track positions at Ontario universities. Congratulations to Dr. Colin McCarter, who has joined Nipissing University as an Assistant Professor. Congratulations to Dr. Vaughn Mangal, who has joined the Brock University Department of Chemistry as an Assistant Professor. And last but not least, congratulations to Dr. David McLagan, who joins the Queen's University Department of Geology & Geological Sciences and Department of Environmental Studies as an Assistant Professor.
December 22, 2021
Congratulations to PhD students Wai Lam and Sayuri Sagisaka, who were both awarded the Centre for Environmental Research in the Anthropocene Graduate Student Fellowships.
Welcome to Kateline To and Sarah Gigi, who are working in our lab this school year as part of the University of Toronto Work-Study program.
September 14, 2021
Congratulations to Chelsea Crundwell on her successful master's defence. Her thesis is titled "A spatial application of the Lakeshore Capacity Model in Lake Manitouwabing".
Congratulations to Jiaying Liu on her successful master's defence. Her thesis is titled "Post harvesting impacts on element concentrations and loads in streams from small central boreal Canadian watersheds".
September 1, 2021
Congratulations to Dr. Vaughn Mangal, who was awarded a UTSC Centre for Environmental Research in the Anthropocene (CERA) Postdoctoral Fellowship for 2021-2023.
May 1, 2021
Congratulations to Julia Mata, who was awarded a coveted University of Toronto Centre for Global Change Science Summer Undergraduate Internship to work with our group on phosphorus in lakes.